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北京时间10月19日消息,据《路透社》报道,现代汽车及其子公司起亚汽车周一表示,其第三季度业绩将反映与召回相关的成本,总费用高达3.36万亿韩元(约合29.4亿美元)。根据这两家公司各自提交给监管机构的文件,这些费用将包括与“ Theta”发动机有关的额外准备金。


2015年,现代在美国召回47万辆索纳塔轿车,表示“ Theta”发动机故障会导致车辆失误,增加撞车风险。当时,起亚还没有发起召回。这两家公司都采用Theta II发动机。


2017年3月,现代汽车扩大召回范围,在美国召回57.2万辆同样采用Theta II发动机的索纳塔和圣达菲运动型轿车,并表示该公司在生产废弃物中发现了相同的问题。同日,起亚召回61.8万辆同样配备Theta II发动机的Optima、索兰托(Sorento)和狮跑(Sportage)。



Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors said on Monday that their third-quarter earnings would reflect quality-related costs amounting to a combined 3.36 trillion won ($2.94 billion)。

The costs would include additional provision expenses related to the South Korean car makers‘ “Theta” engines, the companies said in separate regulatory filings。

Hyundai Motor said a cost of 2.1 trillion won will be reflected in its earnings, while Kia Motors flagged an earnings hit of 1.26 trillion won。 They did not provide further details。

In 2015, Hyundai recalled 470,000 U.S。 Sonata sedans, saying engine failure would result in a vehicle stall, increasing the risk of a crash。 At the time, Kia did not recall its vehicles, which share the same “Theta II” engines。

A South Korean whistleblower, who was a former quality official at Hyundai, reported concerns in 2016 to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which has started probing whether their recalls covered enough vehicles and were conducted in a timely manner。 Hyundai was being investigated by US prosecutors over whether vehicle recalls were conducted properly, Reuters reported in 2018。

In March 2017, Hyundai expanded its original U.S。 recall to 572,000 Sonata and Santa Fe Sport vehicles with those Theta II engines, citing the same issue involving manufacturing debris。 On the same day, Kia also recalled 618,000 Optima, Sorento and Sportage vehicles, all of which use the same engine。

US safety regulators in 2017 launched an investigation into the recall of nearly 1.7 million vehicles by Hyundai Motor Co and affiliate Kia Motor Corp over an engine defect that increases the risk of a crash。
